The only 10 fonts you need

Steve Jobs was interested in graphic design and calligraphy and he took that interest into the early versions of the Macintosh operating system. As a result we have computers with hundreds of pre-loaded fonts and we can all be (untrained) graphic designers. If he had not had that interest maybe all our computers would still be like typewriters with one typeface. Just because the fonts are there does not mean we should use them.

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You don’t design a presentation, you write it.

Here is a tip to help you write a presentation. Every time you speak, you need to have something to say. I understand that when you are asked to talk about your specialist subject it is not difficult to find things to say so you might feel able to improvise on the day. But, some of the presentations you give in your job are really important. Should you really approach them with the plan of ad-libbing around some bullet points and notes?

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3 ways to make your writing clearer (in 3 minutes)

Over the holidays I came across an article by Jane Rosenzweig in the Harvard Business Review that happens to have been translated by HBR into this short video. If you like this video why not follow Jane Rosenzweig’s Writing Hacks on Substack.

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All hot bike rides should end with a beer in the garden

Todays office

View on the climb up to the hotel

Post bike ride beer #beerstagram

A room with a view

Dylan likes to know what’s going on #goldenretriever

Lovely morning to walk the dog.

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