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Practice makes better

I’ve read lots of posts where people explain how they are most productive before they eat breakfast, or late at night, or after they’ve been to the gym.

I’m none of those things. I’ve never had a good answer to the question “What time of day are you most productive.”

I write about finance almost every day. Sometimes I am writing a big project, such as the manuscript for Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector. Sometimes it’s just a few hundred words.

Sometimes it’s easy; I get into the flow. Other times—most times—it’s a grind. Last week is as typical as any. There were some hours here and there where I was flying, thinking of the next sentence as my fingers typed the current one. Most of the week, though, was perspiration rather than inspiration.

Greg Lemond, three times winner of the Tour de France, said of cycling, “It never gets easier; you just go faster.” Well, in my view, writing does not get easier, or faster, but you do get better. The more you practise your writing (even the writing of emails) the better you will be.

I keep on keeping on.

Gary Bandy Limited is a company registered in Cardiff, number 5660437.

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