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Focus on the content (not the format)

This is the second of my five tips for writing about financial subjects.

The big problem with apps like Microsoft Word and Outlook is the fact that they show you what your writing looks like. This can distract you from the act of writing the words that will convey your message.

Ignore all that stuff and focus on the words. Only when they are right should you think about how they look.

You’re aiming for the top left quadrant of this 👇

A sub-tip on the subject of content. Get the beginning right. Every sentence you write needs to pull the reader along to the next one. Otherwise they won’t get to the end. this means two things:

  1. Put the end at the front

  2. Spend lots of time getting that message right. You might need to have several drafts of the beginning to get something that work.

Too much content is as bad, perhaps worse, as too little. Remember:

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Gary Bandy Limited is a company registered in Cardiff, number 5660437.

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